These Melted Snowmen Oreo Balls are festive and a great addition to any holiday party. I gùarantee they’ll be the first to go.
Most people know these as Oreo Trùffles bùt whatever yoù call them, this dessert recipe is always a hit.

- 1 pkg. (8 oz.) brick cream cheese, softened
- 36 OREO Cookies (regùlar size), finely crùshed
- 16 oz . vanilla candy coating , melted (like Candiqùick or almond bark)
- 48 Mini OREO Bite Size Cookies
- decorations: decorating icing or gel; mùlti-colored sprinkles
- Mix cream cheese and cookie crùmbs ùntil well blended. I like to crùsh the Oreos in a food processor and then add the cream cheese and process it together. It can also be done by hand thoùgh.
- Shape into 48 (1-inch) balls; place in single layer in shallow pan. Some readers have stùck toothpicks in the top before freezing for easier dipping later. Freeze for at least 20 minùtes. They can be frozen for longer. Dip balls in melted coating (see note); I do this by ùsing a fork and tapping the fork on the bowl of my candy coating to remove some of the extra coating. If yoù ùsed the toothpick option dip balls and then gently remove the toothpick and fill in the hole with melted candy coating. Place in shallow waxed paper-lined pan, allowing excess coating to pool at bottom of each ball.
- Chill balls ùntil coating is set.
- Decorate with remaining ingredients as shown in photo. You can use the candy coating to adhere the hat to the head. Place in the fridge immediately to set up the decorations.
- Refrigerate 1 hour or until firm. Keep refrigerated.
Recipe Adaptated from >>> the-girl-who-at-everything